Saturday, November 16, 2013

I Want To Teach

ePals is an education media company and a global learning network. Three main parts are included in ePal: Globalcommunity, Criket,and Tools for School. And each part has its own sub-parts. Basically, the website offers educators and students a platform of building communities, sharing resources and exchanging ideas.
One special thing of this website for me is that it contains culture, which is very important in teaching. And i can connect to a class around the world, which is really cool. I can also contact the teachers privately.

There are many projects created by educators, either. For example, Class in Texas, USA Seeks Partners for Life in Our Countries Project is a culture project, aiming at helping students see more about the world.

Through the website, I can get teaching resources. The website provides kinds of resources, for example books or magazines for teaching reading, writing, or listening. I can also communicate with teachers around the world, exchanging ideas about teaching.

1 comment:

  1. If you teach k-12 learners in the future, I hope you are able to have your students do projects with classrooms worldwide.
